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> Hotel Gran Sol
' ,'emptyemail':'Please enter a correct email address.' ,'emptyphone':'Please enter a correct phone number.' ,'emptyname':'Please enter a name.' ,'emptylastname':'Please enter a surname.' ,'contactok':'Your message has been sent. We'll be in touch with you soon.' }; = { 'ct-comments':'Message' ,'ct-captcha':'Enter the code' }; = {names: [ ], urls: [ ]}; globals.common = { 'scroll-down':'Find out everything you need' ,'discover':'Discover our hotel' ,'explore-rooms':'EXPLORE OUR ROOMS' ,'book-now':'Book Now' ,'book':'Book' ,'booking-room':'' ,'explore-service':'EXPLORE OUR SERVICES' ,'explore-gastronomy':'EXPLORE OUR GASTRONOMY' ,'explore-more':'Find out more' ,'see':'View' ,'all':'All' ,'share-in':'Share on' ,'read-more':'Read more' };; globals.neoform = { };; = { }; globals.arrival = ''; globals.departure = ''; globals.hotelId = 'XVLMM72jZ:fv8uw9zEXufQ'; globals.hotelName = 'Hotel Gran Sol'; var locale = 'en-GB'; globals.guestsTranslate = { }; globals.guestsMaxAdults = "";